

JanakaIS v2.0


JanakaIS v2.0

Welcome to Portfolio Version 2.0! This is a sleek and dynamic showcase of my web development skills, crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Designed to provide an engaging and intuitive user experience, this portfolio highlights my expertise and projects while offering a seamless way for potential clients and collaborators to get in touch.

Technologies Used:

  • HTML: For structuring the content and layout of the website.
  • CSS: For styling the website, creating a visually appealing and cohesive design.
  • JavaScript: For interactive elements and enhanced functionality.
  • EmailJS: For handling the "Contact Us" form submissions and ensuring reliable communication.

html5 bootstrap template by

Portfolio Version 2.0 is a testament to my web development capabilities, featuring a modern design and interactive elements that showcase my skills and projects. It is designed to be a powerful tool for connecting with potential clients and collaborators while providing a high-quality user experience. I look forward to any opportunities for growth and further development of this portfolio.

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